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Yuan Yuan's Birthday

It's Yuan Yuan's birthday (26th May)!! Yuan Yuan is the newbies in our lab. Since it was her birthday, no one was really working on that day. Me and Zhang Yan were too excited to see a big bouquet of 30 roses appeared in our lab. A nice smelling, bright and shining BIG bouquet of roses accompanied with a little bear bear. It was from her boyfriend going to be HAHAHAHHA ...... I brought my camera with me knowing we were going to celebrate her birthday. My hands itched to take the roses pictures. This is the one close up look of the roses. THey are really BBBBBBBBBBEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUTIFUL!!!!

It was a mixture of milky and red roses with others little flowers as decor. It's a really nice one. Love it a lot and we played around with her flowers too, as usual .... Hahahahaha

This is the bear bear. Zhang Yan got the idea of putting the bear on top of the flowers hahahaha ... A very very good idea indeed.

Here I present you the BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!

Me with the bear and the flowers ...

Zhang Yan with the bear and the flowers ....

More snapshots of us in the lab. We kept looking out so that the supervisor would not come into the lab and spot us fooling around in front of camera. Hehehhe...

Finally, the three of us together. I put the camera on a high pile of books and make the camera to self timer mode so that we are able to get a pic of three of us.

After getting the pictures from me, ZHang Yan suggested we should go out do some photoshoots together. Hahahhaha ... Not sure if we are qualified in being models but Zhang Yan sure does as she is really very photogenic. However, if anyone out there is interested in getting us doing some photoshoots do not hesitate to let us know through the blog comments hahahahaha. Of course we wont charge as high as professional models since we are just doing it for fun. ^_^

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