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Orange Jasmine (七里香) - Jay Again

I love this lyrics too...I literally translate this.

窗外的麻雀 在电线杆上多嘴 (Sparrows are busy chatting on electricity post)
你说这一句 很有夏天的感觉 (You said those words possess a strong smell of the summer day)
手中的铅笔 在纸上来来回回 (The pencil in the hands are busy running to and fro on the paper)
我用几行字形容你是我的谁 (I use a few words to describe who you are to me)

秋刀鱼的滋味 猫跟你都想了解 (The taste of unagi makes the curiosity out of you and the cat)
初恋的香味就这样被我们寻回 (That's how we brought back the taste of our first love)
那温暖的阳光 象刚摘的鲜艳草莓 (The warmth of the sun is similar to the ripen strawberries)
你说你舍不得吃掉这一种感觉 (You said you dont wish to eat away this kind of feeling)

雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就象雨水 (Although it's raining throughout the night, my love for you is like the pouring rain)
院子落叶 跟我的思念厚厚一叠 (The thicken fallen leaves are similar to my strong misses for you)
几句是非 也无法将我的热情冷却 (The bad rumours about you are unable to dampen my love for you)
你出现在我诗的每一页 (You appear in each page of the poem that I wrote)

雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就象雨水 (Althought it's raining throughout the night, my love for you is like the pouring rain)
窗台蝴蝶 象诗里纷飞的美丽章节 (The butterflies by the window are like the poems looking so beautiful and ravishing)
我接着写 把永远爱你写进诗的结尾 (I continue to write that you are my forever love in each poem endings)
你是我唯一想要的了解 (You are the only one that I wish and want to know)

Hmmm... I wonder how many guys are able to do that. Very meaningful but do guys like this exist?? I really wonder...

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