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October 18, 2008 was marked as the date where my cousin's got married. Happy for her that she finally found her the other half. Someone that completed her in many ways. She was once our young celebrity cousin (she got her album when she is about 10 years old). Some of her pics with her husband. Looks good and compatible, right? Just like they are made out for each other

Similar to others chinese wedding dinner, we had an eight course meal. Unable to display all cos I was busy eating hahahahahaha....

I managed to snap a few pics of my cute nephews and niece. My lovely niece just finished crying. The second pic beside my niece is a very cute little nephew. He is only one plus and he just love dancing. Whenever, a rock song is played he will dance his way off hahahhaha...very cute and interesting fella (Check out the clip below!!). The third pics is my cousin who is holding another nephew. By the way those nephews and nieces belongs to my cousins hehehehehe. Both me and my sis are eligible bachelorette. HAHAHAHAHA

Seeing a lot of couple being married nowadays. I am very keen in jumping into a relationship very much since I am still enjoying my single life! But of course I wont stop or shun away if there is the right one coming along the way. I believe there is someone out there awaits me to complete their life as well as to complete mine that make us whole. Keep my fingers cross =D!!

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