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This is really a good blog, which inspires us. Making us to forgive, forget and live today at the fullest as tomorrow will never come. I, somehow, came across this blog in Jeslyn's Blog. Although, it's a blog of two years ago, I think it serves it's purpose as an inspiration for us to uptake any challenge in our life. I cant help but to agree with Jeslyn that you will really cry after you read this blog. Reality is just to cruel for a cute girl like her but she stayed positive most of the time.
We have so much time to whine, complain, be angry, jealous, fight, quarrel, revenge, compare till we forgot to love, be honest, happy and most important be true to ourselves plus kind to others. For Xiaodoudou, she didn't have a choice and time to complain and be angry. She can only accept what that has come to her. During her treatment of her 3rd stage cancer, she manage to live her life to her fullest and make people around her happy not mentioning not to let her loved ones worry about her. Though, there might be no achievement, no Nobel prize but she enjoyed every second that she is struggling to live on happily and positively. I salute her spirit to live on. Therefore, sit back and take a time to think what have we the healthies been doing all this time? Well, it's time to change our perception towards challenges in life that comes forward. Nothing is too difficult than facing death. Accept the challenges gracefully as it comes. BE BLESSED THAT WE ARE STILL ALIVE!

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