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It's just lunch!!

I am really bored with the canteen food. Therefore, I decided to start my cooking regime again for lunch. What I cooked was really easy to make as long as you have a slow cooker and a rice cooker in hand.
I used a mixture of brown rice and barley. I cook it the night before using slow cooker as normally rice needs longer to be cooked. Then I topped a few tomatoes on the top. But be reminded, barley makes you hungry real fast. So beware .... Use only brown rice if you do not wish to get hungry in the middle of the afternoon.
My Greens
I always love my food with different colours and greens is a must. Here I have two stalks of pak choy or xiao bai chye with me. Washed and cut them. Store in fridge for next day cooking.

Steamed Pork
I loved capsicum a lot. So, I put a lot of capsicum on the pork.

The ingredients required for this dish is:-

  • Minced Pork
  • Capsicum (Cut into cubes)
  • Sesame oil
  • Soy Sauce
  • Oyster sauce

The ingredients and seasoning portion is according to personal preference. Because, cooking is all about experimenting. You dont get it the first time dont despair. If you still dont get it the second time, dont give up! You will definitely get it right the third time!! Hahaha so no worries. Mixed the ingredients and seasoning together. Put away in fridge in a closed container so that you can cook it the next day.

When next day come, pour everything onto a ceramic bowl. Use double boil cooking method (here the vessel I used was rice cooker). Let it cook while you are getting ready. When you are ready, put in your greens. Then, go for your breakfast. When you finished your breakfast, turn off all your electrical appliances and packed your lunch!! You can clean the utensils before you go off to work or leave it for later if you are not worry about cockroaches or ants crawling in your sink! Hahahaha ... Alright folks enjoy your cooking and meal *Wink*

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